Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Black Illegitimate Child & Irrelevancy

For someone who has come across shitluck in the past month or so, this week has turned out to be mighty fine :) thank goodness! I hope the spell is broken. I don't have bad days. I have bad weeks.. I feel like myself again, like I was at the beginning of the year. Only more tired and not as enthusiastic. Go adulthood.

I have to go get my cat a new litter box. Correction: Bobby and I have to get OUR cat a new litter box and litter and other crap. We are the estranged parents of a "mildly" retarded kitten. We haven't had a professional diagnosis, but our friends are cruel intellectuals.
We call him our black illegitmate child. Bobby and I act as if we're divorced parents who are good friends. It's odd. He keeps Leroy, yes that is our retarded kitten's name...more on that later, at his ghettofied apartment off of 4th street. Until I get my apartment, Leroy will stay with his father.
Leroy is a small black kitten with huge yellow owl eyes, a tiny face, and fat belly. He has a white diamond on his chest and a big patch of white on his lower belly and white armpit hair. We rescued him from behind John's Peppertree apartment deck and he's been ours ever since...well ever since a month or so ago. He looks like Choco Cat (above) from Hello Kitty. So I named him Choco Cat or Choco for short. Bobby named him Leroy. We combined the two names ungracefully in compromise: Leroy Choco the Third. Lame. And so the name Leroy stuck. Oh well.

We think Leroy is sick though :( So we have to find a cheap vet and take him soon. Otherwise he may not be able to live at our friend John's house since Bobby's moving in and John has a cat named Remus who's healthy and may catch whatever Leroy has. I think he has worms. :( And those can kill kitties, so yeah, gotta do that soon!


I started writing this blog earlier and now I am back from Wal-Mart with Bobby.

I bought a cat tent.

Yes, a pop-up cat tent.

And when I was in Memphis at Target, I bought Leroy a black hoodie that says Bah Humbug.

These items are precious and cheap.


Well, now I am off to go do cat toilet maintenance.


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